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Let's Loop Colorado provides education and consumer advocacy for hearing clearly in public places, with hearing loops, FM systems, Infrared (IR) systems. ADA assistive listening systems provide clear speech for people with hearing loss and communication access in public facilities.

Over the past several years, through the work of many people who want to make a difference for people with hearing loss, hearing loops have been installed in various venues in Colorado.


This grassroots, volunteer collaborative initiative brings together the previous initiatives to promote, support, educate individuals about existing hearing loops, and support efforts to increase hearing loops in Colorado. Related, Loop Colorado also helps educate people about FM and infrared systems, also two assisted listening systems that meet the ADA standards.


Across the country, there are campaigns began in 2010 with the “Get in the Hearing Loop” campaign, launched by the American Academy of Audiology and the Hearing Loss Association of America (HLAA), based on Dr. Myers' pioneering work in western Michigan.

We do not advise individuals about hearing aids.  For Colorado information please visit:

Organizations Involved



Interested in being a sponsor? Please contact us.

Involved Organizations

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And other organizations who prefer not to display their logos, for multiple reasons

Interested in being involved? Please contact us.


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Funds from a 2019-2020 Colorado Commission for the Deaf, Hard of Hearing, and DeafBlind grant are used for hosting this website, demo equipment, materials, etc.

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